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Amazon Kindle Voyage 6" 4GB WiFi eBook Reader with PagePress & Adaptive Light




Refurbished / Grade A1

3 Months warranty

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High resolution e-reader display
Kindle Voyage features a high-resolution 300 ppi display for crisp, laser quality text. The micro-etched glass screen is crafted to eliminate glare and feel like paper to the touch.
Light that adjusts with you
Kindle Voyage can be read in bright sunlight or total darkness, and it's smart enough to know the difference.
With an adaptive front light, Kindle Voyage senses the light in your environment, and changes the setting to the ideal brightness.
The adaptive front light automatically adjusts the brightness of the display based on your environment, and can even be fine-tuned further to your personal preferences.
When reading in the dark, the adaptive front light slowly lowers the display's brightness over time to match the way the eye responds to darkness.
Effortless page turns
PagePress allows you to turn the page without lifting a finger. Simply apply pressure on the bezel to turn the page, and PagePress will provide a silent haptic response for consistent and immediate feedback.
Remarkably thin design
At just 7.6mm thin, you can comfortably hold Kindle Voyage in one hand for long reading sessions.
PagePress sensors with haptics
PagePress is a custom-designed force sensor made of carbon and silver, which reacts to a subtle increase of pressure, triggers a page-turn, and provides a haptic response only your thumb can perceive.
Because PagePress has no moving parts, the haptics provide you with the most minimal indication that you have pressed the button, to reduce distraction from reading.
Sleek yet durable designs
Kindle Voyage was designed to come one step closer to a sheet of paper, with a flush-front bezel for a clean, streamlined design. With a magnesium back and a specially-reinforced glass front, Kindle Voyage is both durable and sleek.
High quality 300 ppi display
Kindle Voyage features a bright, high resolution and high contrast display. The micro-etched glass display diffuses light to eliminate glare and matches the feel of paper.
Flip through books while saving your place
Page Flip makes it easy to find pictures, charts, maps and even your notes and highlights from different parts of a book. While you swipe to other pages or zoom out to see page thumbnails, Page Flip automatically saves the page you’re reading, pinning it to the side of your screen so you’ll never lose your place.
Sharp, dark text
Enjoy text that reads like the printed page. Fonts such as Bookerly, have been hand-tuned at the pixel level for maximum readability.
Export and share notes
It’s now easy to export notes and highlights from a book to your e-mail, so you can always have them on-hand for reference. Receive your notes both as an easily printable PDF that’s ready to bring to your book club, and as a simple file you can open in your favorite spreadsheet app.
Won't tire your eyes in the dark
Unlike back-lit tablets that shine in your eyes, Kindle guides light toward the surface of the display with its built-in front light so you can read comfortably for hours without eyestrain. Adjust your screen's brightness for great reading in any light.
Read more challenging books
Particularly for young readers, Word Wise makes it easier to enjoy and quickly understand more challenging books. Short and simple definitions automatically appear above difficult words, so you can keep reading with fewer interruptions.
Tap on a word to bring up a simple card with definitions, synonyms, and more. 
Build your vocabulary
Words looked up in the dictionary are automatically added to Vocabulary Builder to expand your knowledge and reinforce retention.
Swipe through your vocabulary words, quiz yourself with flashcards, and instantly see those words in context.
Learn more about a book before you start reading
With About This Book, see background information about the author, other books in the series, and more.
Adjust your text size
Choose from eight text sizes to prevent tired eyes and keep you reading longer.
Share your library
With Family Library, you and your family can access and easily share not only your own Kindle books, but also books from the linked Amazon account of a spouse or partner.
Unlimited reading on any device with Prime
Prime Reading gives you unlimited access to over a thousand books, current magazines, comics, Kindle Singles, and more.
With access from any device, including your phone, tablet, or Kindle – you can read however you want, wherever you want.
Low Book Prices
Prices checked every day to make sure Amazon Kindle prices are the lowest of any ebook store in the UK. Compare the book prices, you'll like what you find.
Exclusive Kindle titles
Over 1 million Kindle exclusive titles that you won’t be able to find anywhere else, including books by best-selling authors such as Kurt Vonnegut, Ian Fleming, Oliver Pötzsch, and Arthur C. Clarke.
Massive selection
Millions of books (including the latest best sellers), newspapers, magazines, Kindle Singles, and more.
Free books in the public domain
Millions of titles in the public domain, such as A Tale of Two Cities, Les
Misérables, Pride and Prejudice, and more are available for free.
Free book samples
Download and read a sample for free before you decide to buy.
Set goals and celebrate with achievement badges
Kids can read books in a simple, fun, and safe environment designed specifically for them with Kindle FreeTime (now Amazon Kids). Kids are rewarded with achievement badges when they reach their reading milestones.
A progress report keeps parents updated on total time spent reading, number of words looked up, badges earned, and books read.
Read children’s books and comics
Kindle supports children’s books with Kindle Text Pop-Up, and comic books with Kindle Panel View which allows you to read a comic book panel by panel.
Easy-to-use parental controls
Parents can have peace of mind that kids won’t access inappropriate content or websites, or accidentally make purchases as Kindle FreeTime (now Amazon Kids) blocks access to browsing and purchasing in the Kindle Store, access to the Internet, access to Wikipedia, and disables social sharing.

Display Amazon’s 6” display technology with E Ink Carta™ and adaptive front light that adjusts automatically, 300 ppi, optimised font technology, 16-level gray scale
Dimensions 162 mm x 115 mm x 7.6 mm
Weight 180 g (approx)
System Requirements None; fully wireless and doesn't require a computer to download content
On-Device Storage 4 GB; holds thousands of books
Battery Life Up to six weeks depending on use (from new, acutal performance may be less)
Charge Time approximately 3 hours
Wi-Fi Connectivity Supports public and private Wi-Fi networks or hotspots that use the 802.11b, 802.11g, or 802.11n standard with support for WEP, WPA and WPA2 security using password authentication or Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS)
Content Formats Supported Kindle Format 8 (AZW3), Kindle (AZW), TXT, PDF, unprotected MOBI, PRC natively; HTML, DOC, DOCX, JPEG, GIF, PNG, BMP through conversion

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